“When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: GOD has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future.”

Nothing is ever certain in this life, so remember to be thankful for the good and bad times because they are all part of GOD’s plan for you.


SVdP assisted in January 2023, 311 families in distribution of food and financial aid. We had 278 families that we assisted with food, making up of 622 adults and 246 children, totaling 868. In financial aid SVdP assisted 30 families in the area of utilities, prescriptions and gas for doctor appointments. Thank you Whiteside County for all you do to support SVdP.


In December SVdP assisted 274 families in food and financial aid. Food was distributed to 253 families, making up 581 adults and 218 children, totaling 799. Assistance was given in financial aid to 19 families. Helping with utilities, prescriptions, and gas for doctor appointments. Thank you Whiteside County for helping SVdP in 2022, to be able to assist families.

SVdP Fall Campaign 2022 Donor Recognition List

St. Vincent de Paul Society-St. Mary Conference wishes to thank and acknowledge the business donors and individual donors who contributed so generously to our SVdP Fall Campaign 2022.  We appreciate your generosity so much.  May God bless you!


Sterling Steel Company

Compeer Financial
Johnson Oil Company
Knolhoff, Michael and Sharon

All Seasons Motel
Big Slots LLC
Ellie’s Gaming Cafe
Foster Coach Sales
Frary Lumber
Heffelfinger, Theresa
Hugh F. Miller Insurance
Kelly’s Restaurant, Inc.
Kurtz, John and Lori
Lawrence, James and Mary
Marruffo, Steven
Martin, Joseph and Mary
McCormick’s Nursery & Landscaping
McCue Tax and Accounting
McDonald Funeral Home
Mintun, Marcia
Poci, Terry and Shirley
Poolside Pools and Spas
Quality Stripe
Reaver, Joseph and Margo|
Rock Falls American Legion Post 902
Select Employees Credit Union
Servicemaster, Tatam Inc.
Sterling Federal Bank
Sterling Napa Auto
Webber, William and Joan


SVdP assisted 310 families in November with food and financial aid. SVdP distributed food to 270 families, making up of 651 adults and 236 children. Financial aid assisted 40 families in the areas of utilities, prescriptions, and gas for doctor appointments. We are grateful to the Whiteside County Community for their generosity.